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When It Comes to Aging,
Mother Nature Can Be a Cruel Mistress

By Radhia Gleis, CCN, MEd.

Most folks believe that aging is a matter of wear and tear, as if our bodies were like an old, worn tire.  But aging is an active process of self-destruction.  After the body has done its job of reproducing, Mother Nature says, “Okay, you’re done! Now it’s time to get out of the way.”  Some systems actually turn against the body, destroying perfectly good tissue, as if “on purpose.” It is the body shutting itself down.  If only we kept producing the same hormones we did when we were young—which offers a compelling argument for bio-identical hormones.

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Cause For Concern By Radhia Gleis, CCN, MEd.

This article talks about why nutrition should be your primary health care and allopathic medicine should be a last resort. Research shows that 8 out of the top 10 causes of death in this Country are diet and lifestyle related. "RiskFactor Intervention" or "Preventive Nutrition", is the nutrition that is designed to prevent diet-related disorders by improving the nutrient density of the diet.

Find out the truth about "Standard Medical Care", and how it is more likely to kill you rather than cure you. 







Cholesterol and CVD; The Whole Picture, By Radhia Gleis, CCN, MEd


This article talks about the truths and the myths about cholesterol and cardio vascular disease. It also shows you that there is much more to look for than just cholesterol when it comes to CVD. The article talks about other important tests that should be performed that will give you a much better picture of your cardio health. 











Eggs Got A Bad Wrap By Radhia Gleis, CCN, MEd


This article is about the truth about eggs; are they good for you or bad for you?  

Genetically Engineered Food -- Allergies and Food Sensitivities 
by Radhia Gleis, CCN, MEd.

Imagine one day having an allergic reaction to every food you put in your mouth. This article is about GMOs and how they effect the immune system and the link to 400% increase in allergies, food sensitivities and auto-immune disease. Food allergies are a major concern as a result of genetically engineered crops because the context of a gene pattern may be altered so that gene products are mixed in an atypical configuration. The result is that the body no longer recognizes the protein components of a genetically engineered food. 

What's Up With Gluten? by Radhia Gleis, CCN.


Besides being a certified clinical nutritionist, I teach nutrition at Le Cordon Bleu Culinary College. I always ask my students; how many believe that a “gluten-free” diet is just a fad?  I’m not surprised to hear that eight out of ten believe it is.

You may ask what’s up with gluten and why has it become a problem now and not when we were kids? This article tells the facts about gluten and why it's a good idea to take it seriously. 

The Skinny on Fats By Radhia Gleis,  C.C.N, MEd.


For years we have been told that fats are the “bad guys” of the diet story. Yet science tells us that there are good oils--not just less-bad-for-you oils, but oils that positively improve health in many unexpected ways. This article is all about fats, the good ones, and the bad ones, how to cook with them and what are my recommendations. 
Sugar Junkie?  by Radhia Gleis CCN, MEd.  

Recently a client came to me and said, “I’m driven by cravings and need sugary foods. I feel like I should be able to resist it, but I can’t and things keep getting worse? I feel depressed, I overeat, I get headaches, tired, irritability, mental fogginess, and, lethargy.  Is there such a thing as sugar addiction?”
Some people really are addicted to sugar; trying to tell them not to eat sugar is like telling a drug addict to simply stop taking their drug. Why? Because sugar addiction, like food intolerances, affects the same biochemical systems in your body as highly addictive drugs. 

Mother Nature’s Miracle Mineral
by Radhia Gleis CCN, MEd. 

Nearly every day someone comes to me with questions about magnesium. Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical processes in the body. One of its most important functions is that it plays a key role in producing energy, this makes it vitally important for all cellular functions and processes. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm regular, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. The key to magnesium is getting enough.
Many folks are confused about the words connected to magnesium, such as magnesium glycinate or magnesium citrate, aspartate, taurate, etc. Those adjunct words describe the particular amino acid chelate attached to the magnesium. Chelation can give you better bioavailablity, in other words, make it easier for the body to absorb magnesium. 
Turn on Your Cells Ignition with the Keys to Health and Longevity
by Radhia Gleis CCN, MEd. 

A customer came into the store the other day and said: “I’m on a Statin drug for my cholesterol and I was told that I should be taking CoQ10, tell me why and what is the difference between Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol?


Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has become one of the most popular and well-researched supplements in the US, and for good reason – it's used for energy production by every cell in your body, think of it as the ignition to your cell.  It is therefore vital for good health, high-energy levels, longevity, and general quality of life.

To Supplement or Not To Supplement, That is The Question!

By Radhia Gleis, C.C.N. MEd. 

In my clinical practice I am always being asked, "Do I need to take supplements or can I get all the nutrients I need from my diet?"  I can only say that my observations and review of the diets of thousands of individuals further confirms my conviction that in today's hectic world, even the best intentions of eating a well balanced diet fall short of reality.


In today's industrialized society, the struggle to survive the every day pressures of making ends meet and feeding ourselves and our families, is not only very time consuming but expensive.  But even if one had all the time and money in the world would our diet be adequate?  If an average adult maintained a balanced diet of 2000 kcal. per day, it should include: 50-60% carbohydrates (in the form of fresh organic fruits and vegetables and unrefined, whole grains), 20-25% lean, organic protein, 20-25% fat (which would include a variety of mono and polyunsaturated fat) and less than 10% saturated fat.  The food would have to be primarily raw, and constant measurement and scrutiny would have to be upheld in order to assure that one was getting the complete amount of unadulterated nutrients from that food.  We also cannot ignore the fact that in this modern world we don't have complete control over what we eat, how it is grown or prepared.
Up until the turn of the 20th century the majority of all of our food was grown on small farms.  People would grow fresh fruits and vegetables in their gardens fertilized by recycling their waste through composting table scraps and livestock manure.  Crop rotation was practiced and during the time of rest, bugs, worms and microorganisms performed the natural job of reconditioning the soil.  Rivers and streams were generally not dammed allowing flooding to occur, where nutrient rich silt would saturate and replenish the land.  Today farming is a gigantic commercial industry, where farms are no longer measured in acres but in square miles.  Machines do most planting and harvesting and fertilization is done with chemicals.  Toxic pesticides destroy bugs and microorganisms.  Instead of crop rotation, the land is forced to yield two, three or more crops a year through the use of growth stimulating hormones and genetic engineering.  The rivers are damned and irrigation is strictly controlled, not taking into consideration that natural springs and rivers that have not been harnessed carry with them a rich supply of minerals and other vital nutrients.  In order for a plant to grow into something that at least resembles a fruit or vegetable it must contain four primary elements: nitrogen, carbon, potassium, and phosphorus.  These are the basic ingredients of chemical fertilizers but a plant will draw 70 or more other elements if they are available. That is the key.  Are they available? 


Our body relies on these other elements to maintain health.  Dr. Joel D. Wallach, Doctor of human and veterinarian medicine, as well as an expert in agriculture and human and animal nutrition author of the book “Rare Earths, Their Secret To Health and Longevity” talks about at the turn of the 20th century wheat consisted of 40% protein. Now it consists of only 9% protein. Back then you could get enough protein from just 2 slices of bread; today you would have to eat an entire loaf to get the same amount.  He also states that in 1948 spinach had 158 mg. of iron per 100 grams.  In 1973 it was down to 27 mg. and today spinach has less than 2.2 mg of iron per 100 grams.  It's not a wonder why this country is suffering from so much degenerative disease and obesity.  People are literally starving.  I am constantly hearing clients complain about never feeling satiated after a meal.  All we are eating are empty calories and two hours later we are scavenging around for more food, while gorging ourselves with junk that is more of a burden on the body than sustenance.
I found the following study to be interesting. Here is a comparison of organic vs. commercial farming. This was a study of the mineral content of organically grown vegetables vs. commercially grown, as well as the heavy metal content in each. Notice in the first example, the selenium is 220% more in the organic than commercial.



Factors affecting the nutritional quality of crops. Hornick. Sharon B.  Am. J. Alternative Ag., Vol. 7. Nos. I & 2, 1992.
In recent history, mankind has managed to drastically change the chemistry of the environment in which we live.  “According to EPA studies, as much as 5,700,000,000 pounds of chemical pollutants are released into the environment we eat, breathe and live in, all in just one year.”  Consequently, our need for such vital micronutrients as antioxidants and chelating minerals has increased dramatically.
I like to think that as a health care practitioner I eat fairly well, certainly better than the people that I see on a daily basis.  I try and practice what I preach.  When I was in grad school I did an experiment with my own diet.  In the experiment, I made a seven-day diary of my diet; I made sure I did not change any conditions that would be abnormal to my eating habits.  I sent the diary to a special lab to be analyzed.  The result of the analyses was startling.  I was actually below the RDA in many areas.  Understand that our Recommended Dietary Allowance is the least amount of nutrients we can get away with.  With all of this considered the RDA is still about one notch up from disease and falls way short of being the optimum dietary requirements for good health.


Granted, there are many ways to approach dietary assessment and food intake analysis and some may prove to be more effective than others.  However, I can only report after thorough assessment of thousands of clients' dietary profiles, that without exception, people require specific supplementation of one or more vitamin, mineral or enzyme preparation in order to attain and maintain the highest level of wellness.  Taking into consideration the principle of biochemical individuality and the complex relationship between enzymes, and the vitamin and mineral interactions, body chemistry and dietary analysis provides a logical framework for any program of nutritional supplementation.  One must always seek guidance on establishing such a program to be sure that one is taking the proper nutritional supplements and their correct dosages.
In conclusion, I do not believe that all of our nutritional requirements could or should be gotten from a bottle.  On the contrary I feel more emphasis should be made on eating a proper balanced diet, conscientious of purer, cleaner, unprocessed, organic whole foods. However, after examining this issue in depth I do feel that we would be foolish and impractical if we relied solely on our food intake to satisfy the dietary needs of our modern lifestyle.
 Ip, C. et al. (2000) Selenium modulation of cell proliferation and cell cycle biomarkers in normal and premalignant cells of the rat mammary gland. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 9(1):49-54.



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